We usually deliver prescriptions directly to customers so that they can take their medication with them immediately. We serve our customers according to a ticketed queuing system, with both seating and standing places available in the pharmacy.
Prescriptions can either be in paper or electronic form. First we check the prescription and make either electronic or written notes depending on the kind of prescription. We always check the dosage regimen. If necessary, we will check the compatibility between previously prescribed medicines and the one in the prescription. If cheaper alternatives are available we will tell you about them upon delivery of the prescription. Our information will ensure that the medicine is correct and safe. On top of this, we will also tell you how best to store your medicine.
When a customer comes to collect an electronic prescription, they must prove their identity in a reliable way, with a patient card, Kela-card or an ID card. We require a verbal agreement with the patient in order to print out the prescription outline or cancel the prescription. When it comes to other information, a verbal request is enough.
When an accredited person comes to collect an electronic prescription on behalf of a customer, they must prove reliably that they have the right to receive the medication (patient card, the customer's Kela-card). Requesting delivery from our prescription centre on behalf of a customer does not require the customer's specific consent. We require a power of attorney signed by the customer in order to print out prescription outlines, clarifications of the overall medication or to cancel or renew prescriptions. The customer can sign a power of attorney either for a specific period or for three years by default. The power of attorney is only ever valid in a specified pharmacy.
Customers can check their own online prescriptions at the website www.kanta.fi. Signing-in to the service requires internet banking codes. We never give information about a customer's electronic prescriptions over the phone as we cannot verify the caller’s identity.
Kela compensation will be deducted automatically from the price of the medicine if a Kela-card is shown upon delivery. When a customer is collecting their own or their under-aged child's medicine, we can electronically find the information from the Kela database, meaning that a Kela-card is not necessary. When medicine is collected on behalf of someone else, we cannot search for information electronically from the Kela database without a power of attorney or unless a Kela-card is provided.
For basic level medical compensation, Kela reimburses 40 per cent. For lower special medical compensation, Kela reimburses 65 per cent. In the higher special medical compensation bracket, there is a fixed EUR 4.5 deduction fee per medicine. If your medicine purchases exceed the yearly threshold you will only have to pay a EUR 2.50 deduction fee per medicine. In 2021, the annual threshold is EUR 579,78.
We send electronic prescriptions for renewal upon delivery or if you visit the pharmacy to request a renewal. The doctor has 8 days to renew an electronic prescription. If the doctor has not renewed the prescription by within 8 days, the renewal request will expire. If the customer provides us with a phone number they will receive an automatic text message once a doctor has renewed their prescription. Electronic prescription renewal is free of charge through our pharmacy.
Prescriptions written at a hospital are usually renewed at your own medical clinic or when you go for a follow-up appointment.
Over-the-counter products, which you can get without a prescription, can be used short term for mild and temporary symptoms. If the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor. We improve people's general health by giving information and selling products which help you to maintain your health.
In our OTC section we have a wide selection of OTC and herbal medicines, vitamins and trace mineral products, pharmaceutical cosmetics, lotions and wound-care products. In this section we have a pharmacist, who can help you to recognise your symptoms and select a product. You can also get S-bonus points for pharmaceutical products that are not certified as medication.
We provide a service that delivers medicine to the customer in single-dosage-bags. Each time, we provide 2 weeks' worth of medication. The automated dosage service works well for customers who take a lot of regular medication and whose medication usage is set. The dosage service is suitable for both home care and private customers.
The dosage service has a weekly fee. The fee can be paid against a monthly invoice. Using the dosage service can help you make savings as we only charge you for 2 weeks' worth of medication at a time. Furthermore, after your medication changes you will not be left with unused medicines[U1] . On top of this, the mechanical dosage service uses cheaper equivalent alternatives.
Dosage bags are delivered to the pharmacy every second Saturday and they are ready for collection on Mondays. The medication period always starts on Wednesdays so you have three days' time to collect the dosage bags. Dosage delivery orders are always made on the prior Wednesday.
We collect expired and disused medicines for disposal. Medical products containing iodine (Betadine, Jodix) must be kept in their original packaging separately from other medicines. Mercury thermometers can be brought in as they are. If a mercury thermometer is broken it can be brought in a glass jar. Keep in mind that new thermometers such as Geratherm, which do not contain mercury, can be disposed of along with household waste since they do not contain substances that are harmful to the environment. Hypodermic needles can be collected in a plastic juice container and brought to the pharmacy. Loose needles will not be accepted. Other medication can be emptied from its original packaging and brought into the pharmacy in a plastic bag. Please remember to always remove the instruction labels from the jars and always tell the staff at the pharmacy if your medical waste contains iodine, mercury or hypodermic needles.
You can always find the latest “Terveydeksi” magazine in our pharmacy. The magazine contains reliable information about health, treatments and tips for preventing illness and how to use medication correctly. It also provides information about pharmacy services.
Mon–Fri 8-20
Sat 8-18
Sun 11-18